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Data Description: These shapefiles represent the distribution of surficial materials in the conterminous U.S. The Download GIS Database includes surficial materials (geologic units), contacts and state boundaries. Shapefiles were downloaded directly from the website below. A map by Soller and Reheis (2004; scale of 1:5,000,000; was originally published in PDF format. The included data is the Download GIS Database that was used to prepare the above publication.

Source (Internet URL, CD/DVD-ROM):

Author/Publisher/Year: Soller, D.R., Reheis, M.C., Garrity, C.P., and Van Sistine, D.R., 2009, Map Database for Surficial Materials in the Conterminous United States: U.S. Geological Survey, Data Series 425, scale 1:5,000,000;

Data Summary
: These layers were exported to ESRI shapefile format from the ESRI file geodatabase format provided by the USGS. Data are presented in geographic coordinates on the North American Datum of 1983.

Disclaimer or Constraints on Use: The USGS compiled this from state-scale source maps. This results in some data discrepancies at state boundaries therefore limiting its usefulness.


Figure A-11
Surficial materials in the conterminous United States after Soller et al. (2009)


CEUS-SSC Project Website