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Data Files:

Data Description:
Data representing magnetic anomaly data in the CEUS. Data layers include:

File Name
Data Description

Total intensity magnetic anomaly (nT)

CEUS_MAG_DRTP_CEUSSSC_R0.tif Differentially reduced to pole magnetic anomaly data (nT)
CEUS_MAG_DEG_DRTP_TDR_CEUSSSC_R0.tif Tilt derivative of differentially reduced to pole magnetic anomaly (geometric degrees)
CEUS_MAG_DRTP_HD_TDR_CEUSSSC_R0.tif Horizontal derivative of tilt derivative (radians) of differentially reduced to pole magnetic anomaly
CEUS_MAG_DRTP_TDR_CEUSSSC_R0.tif Tilt derivative of differentially reduced to pole magnetic anomaly (radians)
CEUS_MAG_TMAG_AAS_CEUSSSC_R0.tif Amplitude of analytic signal (nT/m)

Source (Internet URL, CD/DVD-ROM):
DVD-ROM provided by D. Ravat, University of Kentucky.


CEUS_MAG_TMAG_CEUSSSC_R0.tif Ravat, D., Finn, C., Hill, P., Kucks, R., Phillips, J., Blakely, R., Bouligand, C., Sabaka, T., Elshayat, A., Aref, A., and Elawadi, E., 2009, A Preliminary, Full Spectrum, Magnetic Anomaly Grid of the United States with Improved Long Wavelengths for Studying Continental Dynamics: A Website for Distribution of Data: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 2009-1258, 2 pp.






Ravat, D., 2009, personal communication.

Data Summary:
Digital data in ASCII format was imported into ESRI ArcGIS file geodatabase raster format and exported to TIFF raster format. Data are presented in geographic coordinates on the North American Datum of 1983.

Disclaimer or Constraints on Use:
No constraints have been identified.


Figure A-39
CEUS-SSC total intensity magnetic anomaly grid (Ravat et al., 2009). Shaded relief with 315-degree azimuth and 30-degree inclination applied


Figure A-40
CEUS-SSC total intensity magnetic anomaly grid (Ravat et al., 2009). Shaded relief with 180-degree azimuth and 30-degree inclination applied


Figure A-41
CEUS-SSC differentially reduced to pole magnetic anomaly grid (Ravat, 2009). Shaded relief with 315-degree azimuth and 30-degree inclination applied


Figure A-42
CEUS-SSC differentially reduced to pole magnetic anomaly grid (Ravat, 2009). Shaded relief with 180-degree azimuth and 30-degree inclination applied


Figure A-43
CEUS-SSC tilt derivative of differentially reduced to pole magnetic anomaly grid (degrees) (Ravat, 2009)


Figure A-44
CEUS-SSC horizontal derivative of tilt derivative of differentially reduced to pole magnetic anomaly grid (radians) (Ravat, 2009)


Figure A-45
CEUS-SSC tilt derivative of differentially reduced to pole magnetic anomaly grid (Ravat, 2009)


Figure A-46
CEUS-SSC amplitude of analytic signal magnetic anomaly grid (Ravat, 2009)


CEUS-SSC Project Website