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Data Description:
This GIS layer presents updated crustal stress data not previously found in the World Stress Map Project’s (WSM) 2008 release. These 49 updates were found through a literature review by Dr. Owen Hurd of Stanford University. The data, in combination with the WSM 2008 release, covers the area of the CEUS. Stress indicators are taken from four general types of sources including: earthquake focal mechanisms, well bore breakouts and drilling-induced fractures, in situ stress measurements, and young geologic data (fault-slip analysis and volcanic vent alignments). Several ESRI symbology layers are provided to assist in the presentation of the attributes included with the data.

Summary of explanation labels in Figure A-63 and the GIS layer’s attribute table:

A = SH is within ± 15 degrees NF = Normal faulting
B = SH is within ± 20 degrees SS = Strike-slip faulting
C = SH is within ± 25 degrees TF = Thrust faulting
  U = Unknown regime

where SH is the maximum horizontal compressional stress.

Source (Internet URL, CD/DVD­ROM):
WSM 2008 release is available at Updates from Dr. Owen Hurd obtained 2010 via personal communication

Heidbach, O., Tingay, M., Barth, A., Reinecker, J., Kurfess, D., and Müller, B., 2008, The World Stress Map database release 2008 doi:10.1594/GFZ.WSM.Rel2008. Hurd, O., 2010, Stress Measurement Update for the Central and Eastern United States, 5 pp.

Data Summary:
WSM 2008 data in Microsoft Excel (xls) format were converted to ESRI point shapefile using latitude and longitude values. Updated stress measurements from Dr. Hurd were provided in the same attribute layout as the WSM 2008 and converted to ESRI point shapefile.

Disclaimer or Constraints on Use: Disclaimer from the WSM Project website, http://dc-app3­14.gfz

“Information at this site is general information provided as part of World Stress Map project's role in publishing its activities and disseminating information. We aim to ensure that all information we maintain is accurate, current and fit for the purpose intended. Because the World Stress Map (WSM) team must rely on information provided by others, it makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the data, opinions, interpretations, conclusions, or recommendations contained herein. By using this information the user agrees to release and indemnify the WSM team from any liability for injury, loss, damages, or expenses resulting there from, even if caused by the negligence of the WSM team. 

Links and frames connecting this site with other sites are for convenience only and do not mean that the WSM team endorses or approves them. We cannot guarantee that these links will work all of the time and we have no control over the availability of linked pages. 

Generally, it is the responsibility of the user to ascertain the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of information found in this database and at sites linked from this website.”

Figure A-63
Stress measurement update for the CEUS (Hurd, 2010)


CEUS-SSC Project Website