
The Data Evaluation tables were developed to identify the data used, to evaluate the quality of the data, and to specify the degree of reliance on each data set in characterizing seismic sources. Labeling of Data Evaluation tables is keyed to the specific chapter and section where the corresponding source is described. Full citations of references listed in the tables are provided in Chapter 10.

The Data Evaluation tables include the following attributes:

  • The first column is a listing of the data, by data type, used in the evaluation for a particular RLME or seismotectonic source. See Appendix A for information regarding the sources for data sets specific to the CEUS-SSC Project.
  • The second column is an assessment of the quality of the data by the TI Team. This assessment is qualitative and takes into account the resolution, completeness, and distribution of the data relative to the best data of that type currently available. In some cases the assessment of the quality of a particular data set differs somewhat for different seismic sources. This is a reflection of the perceived value of the particular data set toward addressing the SSC characteristics of each seismic source.
  • The third column is used for notes about the data quality. This usually includes comments about whether the data have been published in abstract form or full papers and other issues regarding the defensibility of the data.
  • The fourth column identifies the particular seismic source to which the data have been applied in the evaluation.
  • The fifth and sixth columns provide an assessment of the degree of reliance on the data set for purposes of SSC, and a short description of how the data were relied on. The intent is to assist the reader in understanding how the data set was used and what the evaluation of the degree of reliance was based on.
  • The seventh column indicates whether the data exists in GIS format within the project database. If the data are not in GIS format, they will be found in the database in other formats such as a PDF file.


Although many different types of data were considered for the characterization of each seismic source, not all data types were used (e.g., some types of geophysical data or seismological data [such as focal mechanisms] are either not available or have limited usefulness for defining or characterizing a particular seismic source). Therefore, not all of the data types that were considered are listed in the tables. All data that were considered are included in the Data Summary tables (see Appendix D). Additional information on the Data Evaluation tables is provided in Section Finally, please note that magnitudes are reported in the magnitude scale designated in the cited publication.

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